Saturday, March 08, 2008

Imagine Me ?!

Why am I crying? I am not sad! I am just sitting here and the tears came from no where... frigging crazy people behavior. I am so overwhelmed with emotions at this point, this very minute. I have never sat back and taken stock of my life - what I have done. I have been so focused on going forward that I have never looked back. For a brief moment, my mind just spanned the surface and I am so proud of me.

I wish I could call my father and tell him that I finally see myself as he sees me. He has been begging me to learn how to accept compliments and embrace the 'gift' that I have but for some reason it never registered for me. As I am 96 days from graduation it is hitting me. I am great! I am great! I am not mediocre! I am so gifted! wow! I did it! I did it Mommy! Your work was not in vain!

I might as well enjoy this breakthrough now... don't know how long it will last..

But for now, my inability to acknowledge my works is gone.. it's yesterday...

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