Monday, April 04, 2005

Wharton..drum roll please...says come for an INTERVIEW!!!.Arghhh!!! :D

Yip you heard it right. the request for Round 3 interviews are out and I got one :D...
me...little old me got an invite.
So this is how it works...
Wharton sends an email letting you know that your admission status has changed. Then you scream and check the status on Wharton's website.. all this time saying OMG OMG OMG. After this you see those wonderful words

The Admissions Committee would like to discuss your application in more detail through an evaluative interview.


Well I must say it is an honour. Things like this make the dedication to success and perfection all worth it. I have to send an email to an alumni member to set up the interview and needless to say I am nervous, scared, petrified :).

But remember peesps this is not the end.. far from it .. numerous individuals are dinged after the interview so although I am happy the happiness is shortlived.

Till we meet again ..muah

1 comment:

Terence said...

say lil cousin - u need to like chill and not stress - u know ur going to get in anyway. screamalate!
